Photography Team
Only the most experienced Photographers take the Photography for Cream Wedding Photography: our standards are high.
Cream Wedding Photographers have many years experience in this most difficult areas of photography. Our Photographers possess a high level of technical skills. They are excellent in the composition of photos and utilising a range of lighting scenarios.
Our photographers can take all disciplines and styles of photos and are equally competent in shooting both traditional formal photographs and shooting contemporary documentary style images. Our photographers have the necessary expertise in utilising both the natural available light in addition to their on camera flash system.
Not only do our Team Photographers possess good technical skills that make a first class wedding photographer, importantly all have a confident and professional approach. They always dress smartly and have excellent communication skills that will impress your guests on your most important Wedding Day.
Customer Care
Twin sisters, Lucinda & Elizabeth together with Carolyn, their Mother, are the fabulous Customer Care Team who will ensure your Wedding Photography runs effortlessly.
With your Customer Care Team's in-depth knowledge of how Wedding Days happen in real time and their exceptionally friendly service you'll be able to relax and look forward to a smooth running Photography Service on you most Special day.